Environmental migrants: UN meeting aims to build consensus on definitions, support, protection

United Nations University

Tokyo, Japan
186680A growing international consensus to formally recognize and protect people uprooted by environmental problems is expected to accelerate at a major conference in Bonn, Germany Oct. 9 to 11.
Featured at the conference will be the presentation and discussion of early results of the first comprehensive empirical study, funded by the European Commission, gauging the extent to which environment problems influence migration decisions.
Hosted by the United Nations University, the conference on Environment, Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability (www.efmsv2008.org) will capture the current state of research and debate on the issue and conclude with recommendations for moving forward.
Experts estimate that by 2050 some 200 million people will be displaced by environmental problems, a number of people roughly equal to two-thirds of the USA today (or the combined population of the UK, France, Italy and the Netherlands).

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